On January 18, 2023, the LIFE2 team engaged in SIBME training facilitated by Orangeburg Consolidated School District.  The purpose of the meeting was to get everyone acclimated to SIBME, an online video coaching and collaboration platform.  Teachers, instructional coaches, and technology specialists examined and manipulated SIBME features to determine how SIBME would be used in the coaching process.  SIBME allows teachers to record their lessons and upload the videos, so instructional coaches and principals can view the lessons, collaborate with teachers and colleagues, and provide immediate feedback to improve teachers’ professional practice.  Videos can also be uploaded and used for professional development.

Dr. Ruby Johnson, a LIFE2 achievement specialist, is seen engaged in a gallery walk.  She and her group reviewed what the experts in the building said they love about their profession, a warmup exercise to set the stage for preparing the educators to coach and mentor other educators.  After the SIBME presentation, the participants recorded what excited them about SIBME’s features:  voice recordings for feedback, self-reflection, pause while typing, add comments to the video recordings, etc.

SIBME will be used by teachers in Orangeburg County and SWIVl, another video platform, will be used in Calhoun County.  Both devices will allow opportunities for teachers to record lessons for self-reflection and/or receive constructive feedback to strengthen their instruction and foster professional growth.